weekly update


THE REAL NEWSHappy Birthday Apple, Apple Inc. turns 32 today! Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne to sell the Apple I personal computer kit. They were hand-built by Steve Wozniak in the living room of Jobs' parents' home, and the Apple I was first shown to the public at the Homebrew Computer Club.

Since it is April Fools Day, here are The Top 10 Harmless Geek Pranks.  
More fun for you pranksters running Tiger or windows, here is a fun screen saver that makes it look like your computer just crashed…hee hee hee…Thank goodness April Fools is only ONE day a year!

RUMORS – You can't get on-line for more than 5 minutes before you see something about the NEW 3G iPhone coming out this summer.
"Analysts have speculated that Apple would bring the faster iPhone to market around the time of its World Wide Developer Conference, scheduled for June 9-13, in  San Francisco." For you NON-geeks out there: 3G networks are wide area cellular telephone networks which evolved to incorporate high-speed internet access and video telephony.

GADGET – Don't you just love all the cool gadgets 007 has?
Well I do and here is the latest, a camera-watch or watch-camera. It comes with a wireless LCD receiver to monitor all your secret spy meetings! You will need 007's bankroll as well, this "secret agent" must have will run you almost 4 bills, that's around $400! It might be cheaper to be 006.

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